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Scripture: My son, do not forget my teaching. Let your heart keep my words. For they will add to you many days and years of life and peace. (Proverbs 3:1-2) ( Scripture quotations are from the New Life Version Bible, copyright ? 1969 by Christian Literature International. All rights reserved. ) ( Click on this link for more Bible Versions: http://www.servantsforjesus.org/inspiration.aspx?b=1&d=203 ) Prayer: Heavenly Father, Give me a mind that will not forget your Word and keep your commandments. Thank you for long life and peace. In Jesus’ name I pray. Click On This Link For Video Selections: http://www.servantsforjesuschrist.org/View_Videos.htm . Click On This Link For More Information: http://www.servantsforjesuschrist.org .
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Scripture / Prayer For Wednesday, July 22, 2015

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