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Jesus Christ is always ready to forgive you since He know we are frail as that is why He came to be our Savior  He took our sins on the cross paying a terrible painful death so that through faith in his blood, we could be cleansed of our sins.

It is time to stop following around with sin, to repent and commit your life 100% to Jesus Christ.  Even rededicating your life to Jesus is a good idea. Click on this more information link to learn more about becoming a Christian.

Click On This Link For Video Selections: http://www.servantsforjesuschrist.org/View_Videos.htm .

 Click on this link for more Bible Versions: http://www.servantsforjesus.org/inspiration.aspx?b=1&d=42 )

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Jesus Loves You And Is Willing To Forgive You No Matter What You Have Done. It is time to commit your life totally to Jesus

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